In A Half Shell

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My Oyster Bucket List

Goal-setting is a practice that I firmly believe. When you write your intentions down, they are definitely more likely to come true. I don't have hard data to back this up, but it really does work! So with that in mind, here's my oyster bucket list.

Ever since stumbling across Peter Jon Lindberg's mesmerizing and envy-inducing world oyster journey for Travel + Leisure, I've been inspired to weave my own international oyster saga.

I had the unbelievable opportunity to travel the world for business during my mid-20's and made sure to take full advantage of it. It's not only a thrill to experience oysters from all around the world, but pure joy to meet people who are just as obsessed as you are.

Even now with well over two dozen oyster farm visits under my belt, the hunger hasn't subsided. There's still SO much left to discover, still many friends yet to meet. In 2010, I started a food-related "to do" list on my pre-oyster food blog. It's still online if you care to take a peek. I think I will start to keep track of my top oyster to-do's as well and see how it goes.

My Oyster Bucket List

  1. Visit Australia's Oyster Coast of NSW and shuck my own oysters

  2. ✅ Visit an oyster farm in Tasmania

  3. Attend the Bluff Oyster Festival in New Zealand

  4. Harvest and enjoy Limfjord oysters in Denmark before the Chinese eat them all

  5. Hang out at the Knysna Oyster Festival in South Africa

  6. Visit French oyster country (this might take 1 month) — Normandy, Brittany, Marennes-Oléron

  7. Visit a Croatian oyster farm

  8. Visit oyster farms and friends of the United Kingdom

  9. Hang out with my favorite Canadian oyster friends in ✅ Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver

  10. Visit the oyster farmers of North Carolina

  11. ✅ And oyster farmers in South Carolina

  12. Visit oyster farms in China

  13. Return to Japan and sample oysters from across the country

  14. Finally make my way to the Western Bay of the Chesapeake (I'm stunned I haven't done this yet)

  15. ✅ Four words: Hama Hama Oyster Rama

  16. Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick oyster land visit needs to happen as well

  17. Teach an oyster master class abroad

  18. Take an oyster master class abroad

  19. Dive for oysters with Glidden Point Oyster Farm

  20. Do a podcast about oysters

What else should be on here?