Bar Harbor Maine Oysters Review

This week I received a box of some brand new oysters on the market from Bar Harbor, Maine. These oysters were grown by Mount Desert Island Oysters LLC. They are absolutely remarkable.

To capture this exciting event in all its glory, I decided to do a spontaneous oyster video review of my immediate impressions. Sometimes, you just gotta do more than a few photos and description!

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Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

But of course, I still had to take a few shots of the tasting setup. As you can see above, I've got my Simply Shuck oyster tray, my Littledeer Half Sheller, Shuckerpaddy knife, and steel-mesh glove (a Christmas gift from my hubby!).

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Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

Oyster Review Video

Grow Out Method

Seed oysters are first raised in upwellers in Somesville, ME until they are large enough to be set out into the open water. Three techniques are employed in two different growing environments: a shallow, subtidal hard bottom in Western Bay, and an intertidal soft bottom in Goose Cove. They employ a few methods to diversify their oyster portfolio and help create a rich, complex flavor profile. Tom and team harvest only by hand and employ no power washing equipment. The constant "wave action" helps the oysters clean themselves. Of course, there's a lot more to this process, and if you're curious, head over to their Facebook page to learn more!

Many thanks to Tom Atherton for sending these over to me! All feedback and opinions are my own.